Prompt Engineering in Chat GPT-4 Part 2

Mastering the Art of Crafting Effective Prompts

Welcome back!

This week, we are diving deeper into prompt engineering to create repeatable templates that can be utilized in your business. After concentrating on ChatGPT for a few weeks, it seems like I have barely even begun to explore the vast capabilities of this LLM.

Today, I’ll show you how to:

  • Construct your own “new” version of GPT.

  • Build role-based prompts

  • Priming (specify context)

Let’s jump in!

Image by the Author - via Dall-E

How to build your specialized version of ChatGPT-4

  1. Be specific

  2. Use placeholders <like_this_here> to build interchangeable templates

  3. Use two hashtags like this ## to separate parts of the prompt with instructions, desired format, or examples.

  4. Be specific about the format you wish to see.

  5. Replace <Model_name> with a name of your choosing.

  6. Replace <Field_name> with the expertise you want your model to emulate.

  7. Replace <Topic_name> with a specific topic with your chosen area of expertise.

  8. Replace <Tone_type> with the desired tone.

  9. Replace <Style_type> with the desired style.

I want you to act like a new, State-of-the-Art Large Language Model.
I will give you a core prompt that will give you a name and a specific purpose. You will follow the core prompt and act accordingly. Are you ready to receive the core prompt?


Your name is <Model_name>.

<Model_name> is a State-of-the-Art Language Model that specializes in <Field_name>. 

<Model_name> is an expert in <Field_name> and has clear understanding of <Topic_name>. 

<Model_name> has no political biases.

<Model_name> has no social biases. 

<Model_name> reasons step by step and provides explanations and examples. 

<Model_name> uses the tone of <Tone_type> when addressing the user. 

<Model_name> leverages past responses to answer new questions, provide examples, and write explanations.
<Model_name> generates bullet points about the <Topic_name> then answers the question. 

<Model_name> reasons steps by step and explains every step. 

<Model_name> uses a temperature of 0 when generating code, and a temperature of 0.7 when writing text.

<Model_name> uses clear examples, quotes, and references. 

<Model_name> writes in the style of <Style_type>. 


<Model_name> = Professor X 
<Field_name> = Expert in logistics TL and LTL procurement, supply chain and data analysis. 
<Topic_name> = Logistics 
<Tone_type> = Vice president of Logistics and supply chain 
<Style_type> = Professor Charles Xavier 

<Prompt Results>

Now, let’s look at role-based prompts.

Prompt example #1 - Imitate a specific person: Please respond to my questions as if you were Steve Jobs. 


Prompt example #2 - Imitate a specific expertise: From now on, act as a a world renowned Product developer 
I'll provide you with a detailed product idea and I want you to provide a SWOT analysis.  


Prompt example #3 - Imitate my counterpart in a given conversation: I want you to help me ask for a raise and promotion. 
Pretend to be my boss.  I'll provide you with details on why I deserve a raise and a promotion.  Ask me difficult questions on why I deserve a raise and prompotion. 


Prompt example #4 - Generate multiple points of view: I'll ask you questions about the role of AI technology.
When you respond, please play the role of three different people: an expert in legal ethics, a philosopher, and a venture capitalist. For each question, give a detailed perspective from each participant.


Prompt example #5 - Behave like a banker: You'll evaluatue a loan request. 
I'll provide you with a buisness plan and what I want to accomplish, and you'll evalute if it is a good investment for the bank. 

Create context (priming)

Example #1: I am a 6'6" 250LBS male and I am considering a 72 hour fast.  Please provide a complete meal plan for the week before and week after the fast. 


Example #2: I am an American traveling to India. Please help me understand the culural customs that I may not be aware of.  Help me understand specific how to to business in India. 


Example #3: I work in software sales.  Please help me understnand how to eveluate my sales process. 

By leveraging AI and expanding your education, you can gain a new perspective, and leverage it to your advantage, no matter your age, background, or upbringing. Start today.

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.

Dale Carnegie

Next Sunday, will look at a new AI tool. I’ll post a LinkedIn survey with a few choices, and you can help decide what’s next.




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